- I love you more than you will ever understand, and always will, no matter what!
- I hurt when you hurt
- Your smile melts my heart EVERY time
- I want so much for you. I want you to do so many wonderful things!
- Please know that teenage years are tough. They are scary and hard and you won't always like them.
- We will fight. But always remember that I love you.
- You may not always like what I say/do, but I am saying/doing it because I love you and only want what's best for you. Your father will do his best to teach ME to let you try things even if I "know" a better way, but I can't promise I will learn this quickly.
- I will punish you at some point, but it's to keep you safe.
- Someone will ALWAYS be there for you!
- You can tell me and Daddy anything. It won't always be easy, on either party, but we'll work through it.
- Never keep secrets from me or Daddy. If someone tells you it's a secret and not to tell us, that is the thing that you MUST tell us.
- Aunt Lis and Lindsey will be great resources for you! They love you, as do many people.
- Don't be a bully!
- Don't let others bully you! You will be a strong girl, use what I know you have already been given.
- Stick up for others
- REMEMBER: Teenage years will pass. It could go into your 20's, but it gets better! Momma survived, you will too!
- I will not be able to stop smooching you, EVER! Manah Manahm is tactile deprived, you'll learn! :)
- I have never been so protective of anything in all of my life as I am of you (ask Daddy). I won't always do it right, but I will do my best to keep you safe!
- I'm sorry that I will drive you crazy. It is the circle of life :-)
- It is amazing to watch you learn. The faces you make are so cute! I can tell when you are taking in something new, which is almost a constant at this point. Your eyes light up and you are so focused. Always keep learning!
- Don't forget to ask "Why?". It will drive me crazy, but you will learn so much more. Don't be surprised if I say, "Because I said so". I may not have any better explanation at that point. I will do my best though.
- You are a very strong girl and will wind up being very independent.
- Be a positive influence on others
- It is amazing to watch you grow and to be your Momma! I love it! It is the best job ever!
- Sitting up, almost completely on your own
- Sucking on your toes
- Eating squash, which you love!
- Not eating carrots, cereal, and sweet potatoes
- Still loving bath time
- Learning about gravity, so far in a non-painful way. You pick up your toys and then open your hand to drop them.
REMEMBER: Momma and Daddy love you more than you will ever know! God loves you 100x's more than that, which is AMAZING!