Saturday, January 22, 2011

Things I've learned about pregnancy...

Here are just a few things that I've learned about me being pregnant:

  1. My boobs are HUGE!! =)  At least to me.
  2. My nose is very stuffy!
  3. I am thirsty all of the time!
  4. My lips are HORRIBLY chapped!
  5. At 16 weeks, I am still in my regular clothes and barely showing.  No one else can tell, but we can a bit.
  6. Sitting next to the breakroom at work is dangerous!  Every time I smell something, I immediately start to crave it!
  7. I only felt yucky until week 9.  That's pretty awesome!
  8. I have to look at something 24 hours later to see if I still like it.
  9. There is a lot of information on everything you may or may not need for the baby.  And there is too much crap!! 
  10. I am kinda grumpy/irritable lately...just ask the hubby.

That's all for now. 

Also, I found a few more color schemes that I liked.  Actually, both of these are pretty much the same.  The ones that I posted before are definitely cute, but possibly a little too classy for the Wisbys =)  These are a little more our style.

What do you think??

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